Metadata | |
Title | Krazy Kat |
Author | George Herriman |
Date Published | 1916-07-16 - Tuesday |
Characters | Ignatz Mouse, Krazy Kat, Walter Cephus Austridge (Ostrich) |
Contents | Bricks_(236), Cans_(3), Peddlers_(1), Public_speaking_(9), Selling_(2), Tents_(4), Throwing_(156) |
Transcript |
[[Stage in circus tent. Krazy kat sits at end of long empty bench]] Ostrich: As I look about me to-night, and gaze upon this vast, and intelligent audience, I can read in it's eye the message of it's mind, the one big idea, the one solid conception, the one concrete belief -- "pre-paredness" bursting into life ----- -etc- Krazy Kat: hear hear. [[Outside, Ostrich has with him a can on a small cart]] Ostrich: I will now take the "audience" into my innermost confidence - - audience look well upon this -- Krazy Kat: Yizza. [[Ostrich reclines, points toe at krazy kat]] Ostrich: I will also ask the audience, has it a "enemy"? Krazy Kat: Yizza, I have, but, oh he's such a sweet l'il "enemy" -- he's so nice -- [[Ostrich puts his head into can]] Ostrich: Beware of such a "enemy"!! He strikes in the dark !!! But, with my "little gem vanisher" you need fear no enemy -- one thrust of the head, thus, and behold you are invisible to the world, and your enemy !! Krazy Kat: Ooy-- [[Ostrich runs off, head down in can]] Ostrich: The "little gem vanisher" is not a stationary article, it moves, it travels, it takes you about, from place to place unseen, and invisible ! Krazy Kat: I wonder if really I don't see him or not ? [[As ostrich disappears on the horizon]] Ostrich: And for 60 cents this little article of safety is yours -- Krazy Kat: "Sixty cents" ah-hah, I thought they was a joka' in the deck, somewheres !! [[Krazy Kat peers into empty tin can]] Krazy Kat: .60¢ [[Krazy Kat puts head into can]] Krazy Kat: Huh - .60.¢ [[Krazy Kat walks past tree where Ignatz Mouse is resting]] Krazy Kat: .60¢ - Robba, !! Beck ellies is full of "vanishers," and here I am inwisible free for nothing -- Ignatz Mouse: Oh-hoh [[Ignatz Mouse throws a brick and hits krazy kat's can, knocking him down]] << zip ba-am ! >> [[Krazy Kat glances at brick, can, Ignatz Mouse]] Ignatz Mouse: Don't ever keep me waiting two hours for you again !! Krazy Kat !! Krazy Kat: ? [[Krazy Kat throws brick at Ostrich, its head still in can]] Krazy Kat: Not only a robba', but also a fibba' !! [[Ostrich jumps up in frustration/anger, its "vanisher" broken]] Krazy Kat: never a-gain will I be a "intelligent audience" !! |