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Title Little Nemo
Author Winsor McCay
Date Published 1911-04-23 - Tuesday
Characters Doctor Pill, Flip, Impie, Nemo, The Candy Kid, The Princess
Contents Airships_(67), Bandstands_(1), Bridges_(11), City_&_town_halls_(2), Cityscapes_(27), Courthouses_(3), Crowds_(25), Farewells_(4), Parks_(1), Ships_(31)
Transcript {{Nemo and his friends have been touring the cities of North America in an airship. Last week in Chicago they heard that a young lady in another airship was looking for Nemo. It was the Princess, and Doctor Pill was with her.}}
[[The two airships are side by side. The Princess is in her airship; Nemo, Flip and the Owl are in theirs.]]
Princess: How dare you leave me all alone in Slumberland and go traveling around the country? You rascal, Nemo!
Doctor Pill: Do not become agitated or flustrated, my dear!
Nemo: Do you want to go with us, Princess? I wish you would. We are visiting the American cities which are as wonderful as Slumberland.

[[The airships are flying over a large park.]]
Princess: I shall join Nemo's party! You take my ship back to Slumberland. Tell Papa I will be back soon, please!
Nemo: There are so many beautiful parks here in Chicago I do not know which one to choose. - Let's have the meeting in the band stand in Garfield Park, eh?

[[At the bandstand. Hundreds of people are watching.]]
Princess: I shall be glad to go with you on your tour of the big cities here on Earth. I want to see all of the pretty girls and boys!
Nemo: Well you are certainly welcome! This is the city of Chicago! We will take a hurried trip over it. It is too big a city to visit to see everything unless we stay a month. We must be in Milwaukee next week!

[[ Nemo, the Princess, Flip, Dr. Pill and others are walking in the park with a guide (a boy about Nemo's size and age) and hundreds of other people.]]
Guide: Chicago has 3,000,000 people living in it. It covers 200 square miles of ground and has 30 big railroads entering its centre! Besides steamships from everywhere by the thousands. Chicago has the finest system of...

Guide: ...parks in the world bar none! An elevated railway system that can't be beat for hauling passengers and an underground railway for hauling freight to and from the world's greatest stores! We'll board your ship now.

[[Airship flying high above a large building.]]
Guide(?): This is all that remains of the great world's fair held here in 1893. It is the magnificent Field Museum. We will now visit the famous Union Stock Yards of Chicago. Biggest in the world!
Nemo(?): Oh! Yes! We want to see the stock yards. They say that 10,000 people visit them every day in the year! We won't have time to go through, though, I'm afraid!

[[Aerial view of the stock yards. Hundreds of animal pens, buildings and smokestacks.]]
Guide: As far as the eye can see in all directions are these stock yards. 25,000 pens.. 75,000 people employed. In every minute, night and day, Sundays included, of the 365 days, fifty cattle, sheep and hogs are dressed for dinner here! It is hard to believe, but is only too true! Must you go?
Nemo: Yes! It is getting late! We will take you downtown and leave you, much as we hate to do so. We must be in Milwaukee next Sunday!

[[View of city hall from airship over downtown Chicago. The streets are full of people. One person, the guide, stands alone on the roof.]]
Guide: Goodbye! Goodbye! Come and visit us again some day!
Owl: That is Clark Street and the tremendous city hall and courthouse! Look, it covers a solid block! Look at those massive columns! This is the theatre district.
Princess: Goodbye! Good luck!
Nemo: Good bye, kid! We've had a splendid time! Good bye!

Owl: This is the Chicago River. 60 bridges cross it and twenty-five tunnels go under it. See how the bridges raise to let the boats go through! This river connects Lake Michigan to the Mississippi River through a canal.

[[Nemo's bedroom. Nemo in striped pajamas, getting out of bed.]]
Nemo: I'm up, Mama! Honest I am!
Mama (off panel): Then why do you not come to your breakfast? We are waiting!

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