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Title Little Nemo
Author Winsor McCay
Date Published 1905-11-05 - Tuesday
Characters Magoozla, Nemo, Nemo's Mother, Oomp
Contents Bodies_of_water_(66), Castles_&_palaces_(26), Catfish_(2), Chasing_(79), Crabs_(2), Fish_(16), Oceans_(30), Running_(142), Sea_monsters_(6), Storms_(13), Whales_(6)
Transcript Oomp: His majesty, King Morpheus, has commanded me to direct you to summon and bring to the palace, at once, Master Nemo.

Caption: Little Nemo was sleeping soundly when he heard a strange voice calling him, "You are wanted in Slumberland".
Nemo: Who is it? Who are you? What do you want?
Magoozla: Nemo!!! Nemo!!! You are wanted.

Caption: He proceeded to reply when he discovered the floor flooded with water which was raising rapidly and frightened him.
Nemo: I wonder who wants me, and what for.
Magoozla: Come with me to the beautiful Slumberland.

Caption: Nemo had not yet learned to swim although he was tempted to jump until the voice again called, "Have no fear, Nemo".
Magoozla: Keep still. Have no fear. You are safe, Nemo.

Caption: The idea of jumping had by this time entirely vanished from his mind so he began to call to his friend, the strange voice, "Hey you".
Nemo: Hey you! I am afraid of this perfomance.

Caption: At last the bed bumped against land to which he leaped without hesitation as a storm was raging and the sea was furiously angry.
Magoozla: Just be calm, sonny. I'll watch over you. Just step off now.

Caption: After the storm subsided he discovered he was on to be moved swiftly through the water but the voice allayed his fears.
Nemo: I don't know about it.
Magoozla: Hang on, tightly now and we'll go straight to Slumberland, the grand and magnificent.

Caption: Although Nemo was a game little chap, he felt he must go home. He had gone far enough, some other time he would come, later on.
Magoozla: Hang on! Don't let go! You're safe. I'm with you!

Caption: So he let go but after some quick thinking he began to regret that he had not remained aboard the whale as he was instructed.

Caption: Nemo resolved, however, to make the most of it and get home. Although he was becoming quite discouraged, he would not give up.

Caption: But when he came before the Magoozla he all but collapsed. That party's effort to console him being useless he began to scream.
Magoozla: Ha, ha! You're here at last, ah! Now I'll take you to the king. He wants to entertain you at a

Caption: The Magoozla grabbed up the screaming boy and started at once for Slumberland with the speed of a rocket kicking and -
Nemo: No! No! No! No! I don't want to go. Mama! Oh mama
Magoozla: grand reception in the palace. The king wants you to meet the little princesses and dine with them -

Caption: yelling until he aroused his mama Nemo awoke.
Nemo: Mama! Oh, mama! Take it away, oh please, let me go. Oh! Ma-Ma!
Nemo's mother: I knew it! You should not have eaten that huckleberry pie at bed time.

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